


Lover Dress Performance Collection

Lover Dress Performance Collection


Black and White snap shot of my mother

Black and White snap shot of my mother













Here is an old snap shot of my mother I found. Just love the high necked dress she is wearing and reminded me of the amazing Lover lace dress from the Performance collection! I was first drawn to Lover many years ago before the duo brought out their infamous Black Magick Collection. It was during a visit to my local clothing store that I stumbled across the most amazing cute pink coat teamed with large red or black buttons. The coat was from one of Lovers first collections and there was something deliciously quirky and Mini mouse about the design that made me fall in love with the label! I know that sounds like an odd description but it really had that feel to me!

My love affair contiuned when the iconic Black Magick collection came out. I often wonder if the Lover duo Susein Chong and Nic Briand are sick to pieces of that collection (and whether they still get a million requests to make it!) I was lucky to be one of the first who developed a fondness for the french lace dresses, tunics and ruffle dresses as years later on I was offered double and triple the prices I paid for all the items and still have people hound me to sell it to them!

I know I harp on about stories but I personally believe it is the stories behind each Lover collection which made the Label as popular as it is today (There is a cult following just look at any fashion forum and you will see what I mean!). With each collection came a Lookbook with references to music, art and culture whether it be the Picnic at Hanging Rock or Nirvana… Each collections seems to ring a chord with different personas we seem to adopt thoroughout years…the shy school girl….’grunge’ music fan….the romantic Flower child…. And it is through these stories and connections that will continue to make it one of the most amazing Australian Labels ever created!

2 Responses to “Lover”

  1. 1 Emma

    I am obsessed with lover – their collections get better and better every season (if thats even possible?!) and I love the back story and inspirations behind each collection.

  2. there’s something so special about vintage photographs, your mother has such a natural beauty and happiness.. 🙂

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